Learn Linear Algebra


If a vector space V V has a basis B={b1,,bn} \mathcal{B} = \{ \vec{b}_1, \dots, \vec{b}_n \} , then any set in V V containing more than n n vectors must be linearly dependent.


If a vector space V V has a basis of n n vectors, then every basis of V V must consist of exactly n n vectors.


Let H H be a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space V V . Any linearly independent set in H H can be expanded, if necessary, to a basis for H H . Also, H H is finite-dimensional and

dimHdimV \dim H \leq \dim V

The Basis Theorem

Let V V be a p p -dimensional vector space, p1 p \geq 1 . Any linearly independent set of exactly p p elements in V V is automatically a basis for V V . Any set of exactly p p elements that spans V V is automatically a basis for V V .


The dimension of Nul A A is the number of free variables in the equation Ax=0 A\vec{x} = \vec{0} , and the dimension of Col A A is the number of pivot columns in A A .